
Specification Sheet

Milrinone, ≥98%

: Corotrope Milrila

: M 0699

: C12H9N3O

: 211.22

: Milrinone, commonly known and marketed under the brand name Primacor, is a medication used in patients who have heart failure.

: M 0699 (OTTO) Milrinone, ≥98% - used (particularly intravenously, as the lactate) for the short-term management of severe heart failure. Milrinone inhibits the action of phosphodiesterase-3 preventing degradation of cAMP.


: Powder

: ≥98%

: 264°

: 2-8°C

Safety Information

Hazard Statements: H300-H311-H331
Hazard Class 6.1
RTECS DW1762000
Packing Group III

PackingsPrice (INR)
10 mg 18909.00
50 mg 74079.00