
Cerium doped YAG (Ce:YAG) single crystal

Cerium doped YAG (Ce:YAG) single crystal

Ce: YAG as a flash crystal, with high luminous efficiency and a wide light pulse , suitable for use in the photodiode as a light detector and the detection light charged particles. Otto Chemie Pvt Ltd’s - in house manufacturing / sourcing capabilities set us apart from its competitors.

Otto Chemie Pvt Ltd - Manufacturers of Cerium doped YAG (Ce:YAG) single crystal with worldwide shipping available from India. We can provide custom Ce: YAG products in a definitive timeline.

For more information please contact us optics@ottokemi.com.


Cerium doped YAG (Ce:YAG) single crystal

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Not for medical, household or any other uses, for lab use only, Please test before use.