
Pyrrolidinium based ionic liquids

Pyrrolidinium based ionic liquids

Pyrrolidine ionic liquids are widely used as solvents in organic chemistry. For example, the conversion and stereoselectivity of the endo- and exo-norbornene derivatives in a Diels-Alder reaction of cyclopentadiene with an alkyl acrylate can influenced by the pyrrolidinium ionic liquid. When a reaction is carried out in a pyrrolidine ionic liquid in the presence of a metal chloride and a triflate as a catalyst, shorter reaction and higher dienophile conversion are observed compared to a similar cycloaddition reaction carried out in the presence of conventional organic solvents. And in most cases, endo isomers were found to have higher stereoselectivity.

Otto Chemie Pvt Ltd - Manufacturers of Pyrrolidinium based ionic liquids compounds in India.

Pyrrolidinium based ionic liquids

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Not for medical, household or any other uses, for lab use only, Please test before use.